Controls in ExaGear

This article describes various control options in ExaGear RPG/Strategies/Windows Emulator, which may be useful to users during the use of the program.

Attention! There are many keyboards, or virtual gamepads, on Android. Only control options adapted to ExaGear are described here.

Standard controls in ExaGear RPG/Strategies

ExaGear Strategies

In ExaGear Strategies, controls were purchased by subscription. Now they can be used for free in modified APKs. Control list:

  1. Helium - recommended for Heroes 3, Disciples 2.
  2. Cuprum - recommended for Cilivization 3.

You can learn more about these controls in the spoiler post of a closed topic on

ExaGear RPG

In ExaGear RPG, controls were purchased by subscription. Now they can be used for free in modified APKs. Control list:

  1. Ferrum - recommended for Fallout 1.2.
  2. Magnesium - recommended for Might and Magic 6,7,8.
  3. Oxygen is an additional package that can be used in any game.
  4. Argenium
  5. Aluminum

You can learn more about these controls in the spoiler post of a closed topic on

Standard controls in ExaGear Windows Emulator

In ExaGear Windows Emulator controls were also purchased by subscription. Now they can be used for free in modified APKs. Control list:

  1. RTS
  2. Heroes of Might and Magic 3
  3. Disciples 2
  4. Panzer General 2
  5. Civilization 3
  6. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
  7. Fallout
  8. Jagged Alliance 2
  9. Might and Magic

Modified APKs may have some other controls, such as Touchpad and Hybrid.

Input Bridge

Input Bridge is a new closed source control that was developed by DotNetBurst in January 2022 to replace the standard ExaGear controls. The release of new versions was suspended at the end of March 2023, but, in January 2023, development and support was resumed.

Input Bridge
Developer(s) DotNetBurst
Release date January 2022
Latest version 0.1.8

About this guide for install Input Bridge

This is a simplified guide for installing InputBridge on Android and ExaGear. More information can be found in the application itself.

Install APK

Supported in ExaGear Windows Emulator. On other versions (RPG/Strategies) performance has not been tested. Some modified .obb have ExaGear InputBridge installed. Below is an instruction if it is not integrated into the .obb ExaGear you are using. First you need to download apk latest version of the application(0.0.7) and install it. Allow access on top of all applications. Go to the app, create a profile.

Installing InputBridge in ExaGear

Go to the fifth item (indicated by an arrow), and click "Copy to root folder". The installer files will be copied to the Download folder.

Run in ExaGear and navigate to InputBridge->Installer folder. Run install.bat file, Input Bridge will be installed.


In the TFM.desktop shortcut file, you need to write the command to launch the Input Bridge: Exec = env ib WINEPREFIX="/home/xdroid/.wine" .... If there is no shortcut, create it (TFM is located in C:/Windows/system32). If you need to use the controller in ExaGear, go to the application in the third item (indicated by the joystick) and select the connected controller. Restart the container and you should see a gear at the top. This means that the Input Bridge is successfully installed and working.

Do you have any questions? Contact the international server ExaGear International.