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Welcome to Exagear International Wiki,

a free reference resource about ExaGear that anyone can edit.
ExaGear International Wiki now has 34 articles in English and Russian.


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About ExaGear

ExaGear - a series of commercial programs released in 2014 by the Russian company Eltechs for x86(х86_64 ExaGear Huawei) code into the ARMv6, ARMv7, ARMv8 architecture, followed by running applications and games from Microsoft Windows in a Linux container using Wine is a free implementation of the Windows API.

Most requested articles

Various articles and tutorials for those who are just starting to use ExaGear

For Raspberry Pi owners

Did you know?

...that ExaGear Windows Emulator doesn't live up to its name?

...that ExaGear Huawei was released in 2020, and further development was provided by enthusiasts?

...that ExaGear RPG/Strategies/Windows Emulator uses an open implementation of the Windows API - Wine?

...that Turnip is the free Vulkan driver for Adreno, which is used by ExaGear as a method to get 3D acceleration?

Links to external resources

This list contains links to resources discussing ExaGear, information for those who wish to contribute to ExaGear Windows Emulator, and links to repositories of other free and open source projects that are used in modified versions of ExaGear for its development. The information here does not apply to ExaGear Strategies/RPG, since these versions of ExaGear are outdated and not widely used today.

Resources discussing ExaGear

For future modders